Five easy ways to stay healthy over 40




A recent study from Public Health England has found that one in three adults in England don't manage to get 30 minutes of physical activity each week! Yet there are so many benefits to staying healthy, including:


Less stress | Better sleep |  A 30% lower risk of depression | Shaper mind | Improved memories | Reduced risk of dementia

So we've put together five great tips for helping you stay fit, active and healthy!




It's something thousands of people over 40 are already taking advantage of, so make sure you are too! Aimed at adults aged 40 to 74, the NHS Health Check will help ensure your vascular and circulatory health is as it should be. It will also help detect any risk of developing some of the more serious illnesses.


Find out more: here




From the age of 40 onwards, vision starts to worsen for many people. So its important to be alert of any changes to your general vision, even if the changes are minor. Luckily, many opticians across the UK offer free eye tests, so ensure you visit regularly to ensure your eyes are working well.


The NHS offers a free optician search tool, you can find it: here





Research has shown that even in childhood, keeping your brain busy can help keep dementia and memory loss away. This means its even more important for people over 40 to be keeping their brains busy. There are many websites, video games and smartphone apps to help you keep your brain active, but it's NeuroNation which caught our eye. It has a great easy to use website and smartphone app, and its packed with different games and features to keep you and your brain busy!


Check out the website: here



4 | FIBRECereal


It's a classic food-type for the elderly, but you shouldn't wait till retirement to be getting lots of fibre! As you reach the age of 40, your metabolism begins to slow and eating less calories than you used to can seriously boost your health. To to help you out, we've found a list of 70 great high fibre meal ideas!


Check them all out: here



5 | FITNESSHiking shoes


From the age of 40, people lose roughly 1 percent of muscle mass per year. A little exercise each day can help combat this and you should see massive benefits too. From weight-bearing exercises to cardiovascular exercise, any physical exercise can have a huge effect on your well-being. It's not just muscle and weight however, keeping flexible can contribute a lot to your general health. has published a list of 11 simply to do exercises for people over 40, we think they're a great place to start.


Check them out right: here



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